Ocepek Pottery Communionware

World Communion Sunday is October 1, 2023.

Worship resources, some new and some vintage, can be found on the websites listed below. Many of these pages contain further links to useful information. Please submit any additional suggestions of links to pottery@communionware.com

Ministry Matters

The Communion of Saints - Buechner

United Church Canada WCS

A Presbyterian Gift, World Communion Sunday

Best Scriptures for a World Communion Worship Service

C. S. Lewis on Communion

Methodist Service

Father Fred Ball - Unity in Diversity (pdf)

Blessings and Prayers, Australia


National Today

Breads of the World

Google search for World Communion images

Global Ministries

Presbyterian Special Days

Great Thanksgiving for World Communion Sunday


The Text This Week

Communion Bread Recipes

Intergenerational Service for World Communion Sunday, UCC

Opening Prayer


Desperatepreacher.com WCS Worship Service

Reformed - "Come All You People" Service

Communion Poetry

Calvin Communion, sample service

Our communion pottery was pictured on the Disciples of Christ program in 2008

Our communion pottery was pictured on this Disciples of Christ program in 2008

Ocepek Pottery Communionware Catalog Page

"Natural" Ocepek Pottery Communionware in colors to celebrate World Communion Sunday
Natural Pottery in Colors to celebrate World Communion Sunday

pottery@communionware.com (We respect your privacy)


Call 330-961-1307
10am - 6pm Eastern