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photo of spirit pottery Congregational Size Communion Set by Debra Ocepek of Ocepek Pottery, in Spirit Pattern, formerly Otoe
Cross is carved through, not painted on.

This pattern is called "Spirit." It is our most popular pattern, since it seems to go well in any setting. It's a very friendly glaze - a base of speckled cream, with blue and brown incised banding. Available with or without carved cross on chalice. Also available with Pouring Chalice instead of Standard Chalice.

Quart size Flagon with Stand,
9.5" diameter Paten and
7.5" high Chalice
Free Shipping in USA.

Congregational Communion Set with Regular Chalice (shown)
Cross Option

Congregational Communion Set substitute Pouring Chalice
Cross Option

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photo of Congregational Size Communion Set by Debra Ocepek of Ocepek Pottery, in Memorial Pattern

This pattern is called "Memorial." (for the church where Debra grew up, Memorial Christian.) It is a combination of earth-tone colored clays, glazed only on the inside and rim of the flagon and chalice, in a dark brown. Available with or without carved cross on chalice. A most rustic-looking pattern, warm and un-polished and very one-of-a-kind. We feel that it seems to convey a sense of history. Coloration will vary with each piece, and each firing. See additional Memorial pieces.

Quart size Flagon with Stand,
9.5" diameter Paten and
7.5" high Chalice
Free Shipping in USA.

Congregational Communion Set
Cross Option

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photo of Congregational Size Communion Set by Debra Ocepek of Ocepek Pottery, in Neuhaus Pattern

This pattern is called "Neuhaus" (Debra's maiden name.) It is a dark, shiny, midnight blue with mottled lighter blue floating accents - very striking, unique on each piece!

Quart size Flagon with Stand,
9.5" diameter Paten and
7.5" high
Free Shipping in USA.

Congregational Communion Set
Cross Option

All sets include:
Quart size Flagon with Stand,
9.5" diameter Paten and
7.5" high Chalice.
Free Shipping in USA by Priority Mail.

A Congregational size Communion Set consists of a plate (or paten), a chalice (or goblet), and pitcher (or flagon) with stand. The flagon stand can be inverted and used as a small dish. Each piece is wheel-thrown, not molded. The Chalice will contain approximately 10 to 12 oz. The finished stoneware is lead-free and safe to use. Expect variations!

Our communion vessels are made with care and prayer, one at a time on the potter's wheel. Our Communion Sets are produced by a Christian potter. They are not, however, loaded down with symbolism. We strongly feel that the celebration of Holy Communion should be the primary focus. Though the vessels used can enhance the service, they should not intrude. Whether you are choosing a set for your church, or as a gift for a minister, seminary graduate, family, or special friend, we thank you for allowing us to become a part of your worship service by using our pottery!

We accept donated packing materials to re-use, which helps keep our prices low.

Ocepek Pottery Communionware is a small, family business Ohio USA. We have been making pottery since 1979. Call if you require more info please, 330-961-1307 .

Also see Pouring Chalice:
photo of communion pouring chalice, tipping chalice

Click to see Portable Communion Sets

Click to see more COMMUNION POTTERY

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Call 330-961-1307
10am - 6pm Eastern

©Ocepek Pottery 1981-2025
All designs copyrighted
photo of carved cross in communion chalice