Additional Communion Vessels
Our Pouring Chalice, Host Box, Ciborium, Dish Paten, Chalice Cover, Candle Holder, and One-piece Server now available for online ordering.
For our standard line of communion pottery, chalices, patens, communion sets, portable sets click HERE.
We ship by Priority Mail. Free Shipping in the USA. No further costs will be added

Scroll down for pictures and descriptions


This is the Pouring Chalice (Tipping Chalice.) Traditionally, the wine would be blessed and then poured into separate small cups. A sensible alternative to the common cup. For other patterns by special order see SPECIALS
Height: approximately 8.25"
Click to see standard (non-pouring) chalice  |
This is our Host Box. It is a small covered dish (pyx.) It will contain about 300 nickel-size wafers. Available in the SPIRIT pattern only.
Height to top of handle: approximately 5.5"
Price: $70.00 FREE SHIPPING
Stoneware One Piece Communion Server ("Intinctorium".) The cup is permanently attached to the base. Hold and serve by intinction, using just one hand (there is an opening under the base to help hold steady.) During nursing home visits, carrying to those needing assistance in church service, or other settings where keeping one hand free is desired, the one piece server makes things a little easier. This style cup will hold about 6 oz. Available in the Spirit pattern only, as shown.
One Piece Communion Server Height: approximately 5.5"
Price: $84.00 FREE SHIPPING
Click to see standard two-piece Chalice and Paten Set
This is our Ciborium (Pyx), in the Spirit pattern. The Lidded Host container (Pyx) will contain about 225 nickel-size wafers. Available in the Spirit pattern only.
Height to top of handle: approx. 8.25"
Price: $70.00 FREE SHIPPING
Patens These are alternatives for the standard 9.5" paten. The larger "Dish Paten" is about 7.25" in diameter with raised sides, and the smaller is about 4.5" and can also be used as a Chalice Cover or One Piece Server Cover.
A middle size, 6 to 6.5", can also function as a saucer/drip catcher to rest under the Flagon or Chalice. Available in the CREAM glaze (matches Spirit.)
Dish Paten 7.25", Cream Width: approximately 7.25"
Price: $49.00
4.5" Paten, Cream
Price: $22.00
6 to 6.5" Paten, Cream
Price: $34.00
-- Click here to see the Ocepek Pottery standard Paten
Our Candle Holder Many churches include candles on the communion table. This will hold a regular taper candle. Available in the CREAM glaze (matches Spirit.)
Width: approximately 5.25"
Price: $32.00 FREE SHIPPING
Three Inch Cup Available in Neuhaus (blue), Spirit (cream, blue, brown), and Natural (unglazed on outside.) Various uses: Juice/Wine, Bread, Wafers, more, Shown being used as a candle base for 3" pillar candle (not included.) Free shipping in the USA.
Width: approximately 3.25"
Price: $32.00 FREE SHIPPING